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SPECIFIC Facial Peeling 200 ml - P2134T – Aesthetics World USA
SPECIFIC Facial Peeling 200 ml - P2134T



Soft facial exfoliant of a creamy texture which helps to renovate surface skin cells and eliminates impurities and dead skin cells. Furthermore, it stimulates surface blood circulation. Leaving, the skin cleansed and prepared to receive a treatment containing active ingredients.


Recommended for:

  • For all skin types, including sensitive.


How to use: 

  • After complete facial cleansing, apply a thin layer of the product to the face and distribute evenly over the skin. Massage with circular movements insisting on flaked or thick skin areas. Finally, remove with water and invigorate the skin with facial tonic.


Main ingredients:

  • ChamomileExtract,LimeTreeExtract,HydratingFactor,Bisabolol and Diatomeas Soil.

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